To start a guild you'll require 2,000 Lost Ark Gold silver. Once you're in the Guild tab, look at above the panel and select "Create Guild." Put in a guild nameand an explanation, and after you hit "Create Guild," your guild will be created. If you're creating a new guild, you'll need to keep "Add to Suggested Guilds List" enabled so that your guild is listed on the list of suggested guilds. Members can then ask to join your guild , or join the guild immediately.
Once your guild is created then you can organize it with the help of the Arrows on the top of the panel , and then selecting "Manage." When you are there, you can edit the flag, change names of your guild, modify the leader of the guild, edit join settings, and more.
The current limit to guild members cheapest Lost Ark Gold is 30. Guilds will have to complete objectives and donate towards the guild to build it up in order to increase the amount of members that a guild is able to have. The tab for Level Benefits will show players what the benefits are for each of the levels of the guild